Chronic Conditions & Pain
In North America, more than 20% of the population suffers from TMJ dysfunction. The TMJ is the joint of the jaw, the most used joint in the human body. Many structures influence the TMJ directly, such as the skull bones, the cervical spine (neck), the muscles and the fascia.
Read MorePart Two: What To Do About It written by Kristie Norquay, physiotherapist Physiotherapy is a profession that strives to help people enjoy health & wellness for the long haul. We are trained to help with general exercise recommendations, diagnosis…
Read MorePart One: Pain Explanations written by Kristie Norquay, physiotherapist Pain can be a tricky thing. It’s very complex, especially persistent or chronic pain. Treating acute pain/injury is very different than treating chronic pain. The whole pain system is much more…
Read MoreChronic pain is a complicated process. Any time pain lasts longer than “expected” (ex. beyond typical tissue healing time) it is considered chronic or persistent pain. Pain is designed to be a protective mechanism during acute trauma or a threatening…
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