massage therapy

What is TMJ (Temporo-Mandibular Joint) Dysfunction?

December 11, 2019

In North America, more than 20% of the population suffers from TMJ dysfunction. The TMJ is the joint of the jaw, the most used joint in the human body. Many structures influence the TMJ directly, such as the skull bones, the cervical spine (neck), the muscles and the fascia.

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Golden Ultra Race Recovery Plan

September 13, 2019

Recovering from a race is an important part of your training plan as an ultra runner. By following these steps, you will decrease your risk of injuries and will be able to be back on the trails faster and healthier. …

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Golden Two-Four Recovery Plan

June 14, 2019

Recovering from a race is an important part of your training plan as a mountain biker. By following these steps, you will decrease your risk of injury and will be able to be back on the saddle faster.   1-Cool…

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